Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I know writing about sex could bring the crazies out in force. But it's an issue.

I hate being alone, and some times I think it's better just to have a guy sleep over, just so I won't be alone. There's nothing as wonderful as waking up in someone's arms. The problem is when you don't have a special someone. Is it really that horrible to just "be with someone"?

I know things get complicated when you are a survivor. There's been times where I've been sexually active, and in the middle of it I have flashbacks of being raped. When you are with someone special, they usual understand. But if you are just having sex to have sex, it can get pretty ugly. The person doesn't necessarily wanna just stop and help you process what just happened. So then you end up feeling like you are being raped again.

If you are in one of these sorts of situations, and you tell the guy to stop, and he doesn't, is it rape? Or is it something else?


At 9:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think if you say no, and he continues it's considered rape.


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