Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Just Breathe

I feel like I'm suffocating.

I can't breathe. Is it just an anniversary reaction or am I sick?

Am I having a body memory, or am I having an asthma attack?

Is my body betraying me again?

I hate having to stop to figure this out.


At 7:26 PM, Blogger AngrySoul said...

yeah i know what you mean. sometimes you can have flashbacks where your brain remembers certain things and your mind is like going crazy. Then there are times when i think its much worse where your body actually has a flashback without your brain really knowing about it. so your body sorta reinacts certain things (in my case) or experiences painful memories without your mind comprehending

At 9:34 AM, Blogger Bughouse Square said...

I know exactly what you mean angry.


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